Celebrate with us at this year’s Gala, marking Youth One’s 10th Anniversary.
Supporting prevention and mentorship-based after-school programs, meals, and support services for Lethbridge youth and families—ensuring no financial barriers to those who access.
The need for affordable, safe, and supportive programs for youth is at an all time high. This is why Youth One is determined to make sure all youth and families in Lethbridge have access to prevention based programs and supports during out of school times. Will you join us in this mission?! Funds raised during the event will provide mentorship-based program, meals and support services for 100 teens in Lethbridge for one year through our Launch Forward Initiative (Goal: $150,000). It will be an amazing and youthful night out, with a very important cause to rally around.
Tickets - Individual - $150, Table of 8 - $1000 - Tickets available - October 1st, 2024
Time - Cocktails & Red Carpet - 5:30PM, Dinner/Program/Keynote/Live Auction - 6:30-9:00, Live music to follow.
Attire: Smart Casual, Black Tie / Bolo Tie (Have fun with it!)
Venue: Sandman Signature
Live Music : Midnight Channel (Jazz) Live Auction: by Perlich Bros.
Keynote: Jordan Schellenberg | CEO and Founding Partner of Youth One
The Goal - And what’s up with the balloons?!
The need this year is to raise $150,000. These funds will provide 100 individual youth with full access to Youth One for the full year through our Launch Forward Initiative. For every $1500 collectively given, one youth receives a full school year of access to daily meals, after school programs, support services, mentorship and more.
White balloon - For every $125 you give you will receive 1 white balloon at your table (This represents 1 month of sponsorship for 1 youth to attend Youth One)
Gold balloon- For every $750 you give you will recieve 1 gold balloon at your table (This represents 6 months/half a year of sponsorship for 1 youth to attend Youth One)
Blue balloon - For every $1500 you give you will receive a blue balloon at your table. (This represents 1 year of sponsorship for 1 youth to attend Youth One)
Interested in becoming an event sponsor for 2025?
We provide many different levels of sponsor packages which will highlight your business and support youth & families in our city.

Presenting Sponsor
Allied Marketing Group consists of 6 feedlot operators which are: Kasko Cattle Company, Stronks Feedlot, KFL Kolk Farms, JF Murray Farms, KCL Cattle Company, and Titan Livestock. AMG has been an integral and valued partner of Youth One for many years. They contribute through various events, weekly volunteering with students, and providing food for our daily meal programs. Recently, AMG was recognized with the Youth One - Youth Impact Award for their longstanding commitment to supporting youth in our community.. For more info on AMG click here.
Media Sponsors
“Feels like family” and Media Sponsors
Drink and Hors d'oeuvre Sponsors
“The role model” Sponsors
“Feeling youthful” Sponsors
About Youth One:
Youth One provides prevention and mentorship based, after school programs and support services for youth ages 11-18. Programs are designed to give students a community of belonging, support and guidance during their most formative years - at no financial barrier.
In 2014, founded in Lethbridge, Youth One launched because of a major gap in many communities: The need for prevention and mentorship based programs supporting youth during out of school hours - at no financial barrier. In Lethbridge, 1 in every 5 youth grow up in a low income setting. In Canada, 1 in every 2 youth will grow up without a mentor or role model in their life. This means many youth in our community will grow up with limited supports and guidance during their most formative years of development. Research tells us when a youth has even ONE positive role model/mentor in their life it dramatically reduces many risk factors such as drug and alcohol abuse, crime rates, mental health issues, and school drop-out rates. For this reason, we are determined to make sure no youth has to figure out life alone. We firmly believe that when youth are supported to live out their full potential, the future health of our community increases. Since launching, Youth One has supported thousands of individual youth through their middle school and high school years. This has been done through after-school drop in programs, support groups, leadership training, food services, life skill development and more.