The Story
In 2014, Youth One launched because of a major problem surfacing in many communities - A lack of affordable, quality driven, mentorship based programs supporting youth after school. In North America, 1 in every 3 youth will grow up without a mentor or role model in their life. This means many youth are going without necessary guidance and support during their most formative years. Research tells us when a youth has even ONE positive role model/mentor in their life it dramatically reduces many risk factors such as drug and alcohol abuse, crime rates, mental health issues, drop-out rates etc. For this reason, we are determined to make sure no youth has to figure out life alone. We firmly believe when youth are supported to live out their full potential, the future health of our community increases.
Since launching in 2014, Youth One has supported thousands of individual youth through their middle school and high school years. This has been done through after-school drop in programs, support groups, leadership training, food services, life skill development and more.
The Mission
We believe every youth has so much potential, but many grow up without a dedicated community to help them fully realize it and live it out. This is why Youth One provides mentors, spaces and programs where youth can find belonging and support.
We accomplish this mission by focussing on 3 key core values/key characteristics:
Mentoring Relationships - Committing to being good friends and guides to youth who need it most. It is crucial for young people to have positive role models giving them direction and speaking life and hope over them.
Family-like Community- Giving youth a community where they are deeply loved and supported. A sense of belonging is a basic human need, to do this we must provide youth with a loving, safe and nurturing environment.
Personal Growth-Seeing the potential in every youth and practically helping them discover their purpose and meaning in life. We do this by focussing on 3 areas of development. Leadership, life skills and holistic health.
*Youth One is now a Trauma Informed organization based on the ACE’s model (Adverse Childhood Experiences), recognizing trauma during early childhood development can have a significant impact on the future health of our community. All programs look through a trauma informed lense, making positive adult relationships a key contributor to the overall mission of Youth One. For more information on the ACES model click here.
The vision:
To raise up a thriving and unstoppable generation by building world class, life-changing youth centres and environments, unleashing all youth to live out their lives full of purpose and hope.

The code:
We are a Youth Led movement
We are not a project with a youth program, we are 100% dedicated to youth and led by youth.
We are all about the one
To unleash individual potential, we build deep and empowering relationships.
We multiply to change the masses
We raise up leaders who create more leaders who change more lives.
We will lead the way with radical love
Loving others unconditionally, especially those that need it most, without distinction and without limits.
We know together is better
We will actively pursue and work with like minded organizations contributing to the surviving and thriving of young people in our city.
We will laugh hard, loud and often
Nothing is more fun than living out your life in purpose with the people you love.
We go beyond the deep waters
We are big thinking, curiosity embracing, pushing the status quo risk takers.
We always bring our “B” game
Bringing our BEST in everything. Not allowing good to get in the way of what could be great.
We live and die by the tribe
We will work as a team, helping each other wherever we can, believing the best about each other.
We keep our eyes on the summit
Asking the question daily, “Am I advancing the core mission, vision and values of Youth One?”
Youth One is a project of BRIDGES OF HOPE NETWORK, focussed on the development and delivery of life-changing youth centres and environments for all young people.